Important Autodesk Revit hotfixes have been released today: hotfixes 2019.2.3, 2020.2.4 and 2021.1.3 have been released and are now available for download.

One of the most critical bug fixes for 2020 and 2021 was that of the BIM 360 (Or BIM Collaborate Pro) activity monitor.
In fact, that activity monitor gives false reports, and one of the cases is a 5 minute synchronize with central timeout that ends up in the activity monitor reporting the central model as idle while in fact it’s not.
If you’re using our BIM 360 worksharing monitoring solution, Raven, you’re not affected by that bug (and would have that feature for Revit 2018 and 2019 as well, with support for Revit Server, Nasuni could hosting, and ability to post notifications to Microsoft Teams/Zoom/Slack…).

You can find more information and try Raven for free here:
If not, then the 2020 and 2021 hotfixes are for you.
Other critical bug fixes more or less common for 2019, 2020, and 2021 include an issue where a Revit Cloud Worksharing link path could incorrectly resolve to the Collaboration Cache directory, an issue that caused steel elements with fabrication to change GUID on IFC export, an issue which could cause BIM 360 links to fail to load when the user had their permissions on the linked model forcibly relinquished, and the most critical one, an issue where small objects would not export correctly to DWG at large drawing scales.
You can find the download links for the hotfix installers on your Autodesk account’s subscription portal. If you’re like me and prefer direct download links, you can refer to this article by Luke Johnson on