A new update for Revit 2022 has just been released. And it’s awesome, as this one includes a lot of user wishes and new feature.

One of our favourites is that there’s now a built-in duplicate sheets command, which has been a user wish for too long now.
Another is Dynamo 2.12. Dynamo 2.12 includes many new nodes that are just awesome. The greatest for a technology nerd such as me is that the Excel import/export nodes are no longer COM Interop based ones. Instead they can read/write Excel files directly by referencing an OpenXML compatible library (still need to find out which one), which makes them 99.99% reliable and less prone to be affected by an operating system misconfiguration which is something almost guaranteed to be caused by automatic windows updates (a future post is coming on that subject).
Besides Dynamo 2.12, many new features have been included. Remember that recent user request on Twitter about auto-locking elements when aligning them? Well, that’s now an available feature!
Another new feature for Revit API nerds, whether add-in developers or Dynamo python coders, is the ability to delete worksets using the Revit API! Finally! Expect a ton of Dynamo packages to include that very soon.
A new added feature that is now available and that I had previously developed a long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away) while still a BIM Manager is the ability to multi select similar instances (if several objects are selected). Select all instances now supports additional categories as well.
Keynote legends can now be copied and pasted across sheets.
For BIM 360 (BIM Collaborate Pro) users, you can now retrieve older versions of your models within Revit and open them as detached models.
Searching the Project Browser has been enhanced and improved as well.
Last but not least, probably tied as a favourite for us are the parameter enhancements: you can now DUPLICATE FAMILY PARAMETERS! Also, apparently there will be a new format coming for shared parameter files in future releases, and Revit 2022 has been updated so that any upcoming format would be backwards compatible, which is a good step as this approach might be extended in the future to include backward compatibility for Revit files as well!
This is not the only news out there. We have news for you too.
If you missed it, the AU 2021 schedule is now live and you can now register and add classes to your schedule. You don’t want to miss AU 2021 nor our class this year as it would focus on advanced Forge and Revit API workflows that go a bit beyond Dynamo that you would really want to be familiar with. You can find it here.
Also, for those of you waiting for project Zapdos, our revolutionary upcoming FREE app that combines several APIs (Forge, Dynamo, and Revit) to do something awesome related to Dynamo and BIM 360, to be released, it’s ready for release! It was supposed to go live last Monday but some final logistics related to its web page delayed the release a bit. But it’s definitely coming next Monday! We’d release it now but then you’d want to work on your weekend to test it as it’s just too awesome and we want you to rest as you deserve it! Stay Tuned…

You can find the new Revit 2022.1 update under your Autodesk Account’s portal in the product updates section. More information about the new features can be found here.