
Usually, when I start a blog post about publications or collaborations that feature or include us, I tend to try and write a quick introduction about the other party involved.
In this instance, that party is Revit Pure, and frankly, I feel that introducing Revit Pure here is a bit laughable: it’s like writing an introduction about Microsoft or Google and assuming that the reader is not familiar with both companies. Of course, no company or party involved with BIM is a big as Microsoft or Google, but Revit Pure/BIM Pure as a YouTube channel, website, and company, needs no introduction, at least for Revit users and BIM professionals. So, I’ll skip the introduction for this one.
As you may know, Revit pure issues free educational pamphlets every once in a while. The latest issue, which is the 30th, is about Excel-Revit interoperability through Dynamo.
The pamphlet features several workflows that showcase Excel import/export operations to/from Revit.
One of those workflows involves doing just that over multiple Revit models and also involves scheduling all that to run regularly on a specific day of the week, all of which was done using our own Dynamo Multiplayer!
That workflow has been documented by the man himself, Nicolas Catellier, both in written form within the pamphlet and in a blog post, and in spoken form, in a video on the Revit Pure YouTube channel.
Here are some links to the Revit Pure Excel pamphlet and to the blog post in question:
And here’s the YouTube video in question. Make sure to like it and to subscribe to the Revit Pure YouTube channel not to miss any update, as all of the videos there are highly insightful!

(While you’re at it, feel free to also subscribe to the Bird Tools YouTube channel!)
Revit Pure also offers many Revit services and great Revit courses, some being basic, others being more advanced. Make sure to check all that out on their website:
Bird Tools – Dynamo Multiplayer being featured by Revit Pure is a great honor that we are very proud to be privileged with. We would like to thank Nicolas for spreading the word about a free plugin that we’re sure many will be benefiting from!
Keep in mind though that Dynamo Multiplayer is only an “appetizer” compared to other tools within the Bird Tools pack of Revit add-ins, and make sure to get a free “taste” (or trial) of the “main course”, which I’m sure you’ll find as time saving as Dynamo Multiplayer, probably even a bit more useful! You may find the full package of apps here: